Immigrant Stories – Day 9

I vaguely remember being in a bomb shelter in Beirut when I was five years old.

We were visiting my aunt and uncle and three cousins.

My brother was just a baby. I was scared for my baby brother. I didn’t want him to die.

I had been an only child for almost five years and I was not happy that my brother came into the picture.

I tried to hide him. I tried to give him away. But, I didn’t want him to die.

We were in the basement for a long time.

I heard the bombs going off all night.

I was afraid.

Fear is a universal #emotion. I imagine that every single person on this earth has felt fear at one time or another.

There are hundreds of children in nagornokarabagh afraid right now as they listen carefully for #drones that are about to drop #bombs.

Azerbejian is using money and weapons provided by the United States and Israel to kill my people.

It’s not about land.

Armenians have lived on that land for thousands of years.

Azerbejian wasn’t even created until 100 years ago.

Azerbejian thinks that the land belongs to them because Stalin arbitrarily “gave” it to them.

Do you want to ratify something that Stalin did?

Do you have a problem with that?

Then speak up.